"Be Prepared, Keep Informed, Get Involved"


The emergency management concept evolved from the post World War II "Civil Defense" program. The "Civil Defense" program dealt principally with disaster preparedness. Emergency management goes further to include mitigation, response and recovery as part of an integrated program.


Mitigation refers to activities that eliminate or reduce the negative effects of a disaster. Preparedness is planning how you will respond to various emergencies and the resources you will need to get the job done. Response is the actual reaction to an emergency and recovery is the act of returning to a normal or near normal status.


The responsibility for effective emergency management starts with the family. Every family should have adequate insurance to protect their assets. They should also have a written plan identifying potential emergencies, protective actions, meeting places, evacuation & relocation sites, emergency supplies and important telephone numbers. Unfortunately some apathetic families don't take any steps to protect themselves or their property from the adverse affects of emergencies and disasters. They feel that government is there to pick up the tab for their losses. These people usually end up very disappointed


The following is an example of how your local government participates in the four phases of emergency management:



  • land use management
  • zoning ordinances
  • building codes
  • safety codes
  • insuring public assets


  • appoint a local EMA coordinator
  • assist in building a local EMA program
  • provide support for a local EMA program
  • provide support for public safety departments
  • identify potential vulnerabilities
  • prepare and adopt an emergency operations plan
  • have mutual aid agreements in place


  • activate their emergency operations plan
  • mobilize EMA and their public safety departments
  • mobilize municipal and volunteer resources


  • participate in damage assessment
  • provide county EMA the information they need to secure disaster declarations. " debris clearance " reopen roads
  • return government to normal operation ASAP
  • coordinate the assistance for displaced residents

Making EMA Work In Your Community


The appointment of a coordinator and the development of a local EMA program is the responsibility of your elected officials, but for a program to really work the local residents must participate.


Residents must be willing to donate either their time, talents or the use of some of their possessions for the common good or be prepared to pay more in taxes if they expect government to provide all emergency services.


Ways in which residents could participate during an emergency:


  • answer phones and relay messages during a disaster emergency
  • trained volunteers are needed for local damage assessment teams
  • monitor a local rain or stream gauge when flooding is possible
  • if you own a van or bus you could provide transportation during an evacuation
  • four wheelers and snowmobilers are a valuable resource during severe snow storms
  • front end loaders or bull dozers could be used to move earth in order to protect waterways from pollution during fuel spills


Call your local municipal building and let your EMA Coordinator know what service or resource you could provide your community.

  • Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators

    Local EMA Coordinators


    Beaver Township

    Benton Borough

    Benton Township

    Berwick Borough

    Town of Bloomsburg

    Briar Creek Borough

    Briar Creek Township

    Catawissa Borough

    Catawissa Township

    Centralia Borough

    Cleveland Township

    Conyngham Township

    Fishing Creek Township

    Franklin Township

    Greenwood Township

    Hemlock Township

    Jackson Township

    Locust Township

    Madison Township

    Main Township

    Mifflin Township

    Millville Borough

    Montour Township

    Mt. Pleasant Township

    North Centre Township

    Orange Township

    Orangeville Borough

    Pine Township

    Roaring Creek Township

    Scott Township

    South Centre Township

    Stillwater Borough

    Sugarloaf Township

    Tracy Miller

    Matt Good

    Walter Gordon

    Greg Harkins

    Joe Wondoloski

    Greg Harkins

    Harold Kern

    Mike Lindenmuth

    Dean Delsite

     Tom Hynoski

    Allen Breach

    Greg Yeager

    Curt Saxton

    Allen Breach

    Rodney Eves

    Scott Traugh

    James Albertson

    Allen Breach

    Alice Ringer

    Tom Shuman

    Rick Brown

    Jerre Wright

    Brian Fosse

    Bob Black

    Carol Clymer

    Gene Fetterman

    Neil Shultz

    Jim Brown

    Allen Breach

    Mike Beaver

    Bill Richendrfer

    John Kline

    Beverly Lutcavage

    Township Phone # 570-784-4852

    Borough Phone # 570-925-6101

    Township Phone # 570-925-6166

    Borough Phone # 570-752-2723

    Town Phone # 570-389-4037

    Borough Phone # 570-752-2723

    Township Phone # 570-752-5390

    Borough Phone # 570-356-2514

    Township Phone # 570-356-2686

    Borough Phone # 570-274-0365

    Township Phone # 570-799-5806

    Township Phone # 570-875-0777

    Township Phone # 570-683-6033

    Township Phone # 570-799-5806

    Township Phone # 570-458-0212

    Township Phone # 570-784-6178

    Township Phone # 570-925-2401

    Township Phone # 570-799-5710

    Township Phone # 570-458-0224

    Township Phone # 570-784-0951

    Township Phone # 570-752-4651

    Borough Phone # 570-458-5709

    Township Phone # 570-784-4222

    Township Phone # 570-784-7619

    Township Phone # 570-759-2733

    Township Phone # 570-683-5836

    Borough Phone # 570-683-5948

    Township Phone # 570-458-5709

    Township Phone # 570-799-5806

    Township Phone # 570-784-1357

    Township Phone # 570-784-7718

    Borough Phone # 570-925-2381

    Township Phone # 570-925-6031

  • Municipal EMC Appointment Forms

    The following forms are used for appointment and certification of a new municipal Emergency Management Coordinator:


    EMC Application Form

    EMC Background Check

    Basic Certification Requirements

    Advanced Certification Requirements

    Professional Certification Requirements


  • Municipal EMC Resources and Information

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